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611 - 620 of 1485 for Elliptic integralSearch Results

A string or word is said to be admissible if that word appears in a given sequence. For example, in the sequence aabaabaabaabaab..., a, aa, baab are all admissible, but bb is ...
A valuation for which |x|<=1 implies |1+x|<=C for the constant C=1 (independent of x). Such a valuation does not satisfy the strong triangle inequality |x+y|<=max(|x|,|y|).
Let phi(t)=sum_(n=0)^(infty)A_nt^n be any function for which the integral I(x)=int_0^inftye^(-tx)t^pphi(t)dt converges. Then the expansion where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
In general, "a" calculus is an abstract theory developed in a purely formal way. "The" calculus, more properly called analysis (or real analysis or, in older literature, ...
Cis(x) is another name for the complex exponential, Cis(x)=e^(ix)=cosx+isinx. (1) It has derivative d/(dz)Cis(z)=ie^(iz) (2) and indefinite integral intCis(z)dz=-ie^(iz). (3)
Find necessary and sufficient conditions that determine when the integral curve of two periodic functions kappa(s) and tau(s) with the same period L is a closed curve.
A convolution is an integral that expresses the amount of overlap of one function g as it is shifted over another function f. It therefore "blends" one function with another. ...
A linear functional on a smooth differential form.
A power of 10.
The Gauss-Bonnet formula has several formulations. The simplest one expresses the total Gaussian curvature of an embedded triangle in terms of the total geodesic curvature of ...
