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531 - 540 of 1485 for Elliptic integralSearch Results

For a delta function at (x_0,y_0), R(p,tau) = int_(-infty)^inftyint_(-infty)^inftydelta(x-x_0)delta(y-y_0)delta[y-(tau+px)]dydx (1) = ...
R(p,tau) = int_(-infty)^inftyint_(-infty)^infty[1/(sigmasqrt(2pi))e^(-(x^2+y^2)/(2sigma^2))]delta[y-(tau+px)]dydx (1) = ...
Every continuous linear functional U[f] for f in C[a,b] can be expressed as a Stieltjes integral U[f]=int_a^bf(x)dw(x), where w(x) is determined by U and is of bounded ...
A conservative vector field (for which the curl del xF=0) may be assigned a scalar potential where int_CF·ds is a line integral.
P_y(nu)=lim_(T->infty)2/T|int_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]e^(-2piinut)dt|^2, (1) so int_0^inftyP_y(nu)dnu = lim_(T->infty)1/Tint_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]^2dt (2) = <(y-y^_)^2> (3) = ...
The mean square deviation of the best local fit straight line to a staircase cumulative spectral density over a normalized energy scale.
A number taken to the power 2 is said to be squared, so x^2 is called "x squared." This terminology derives from the fact that the area of a square of edge length x is given ...
The structure factor S_Gamma of a discrete set Gamma is the Fourier transform of delta-scatterers of equal strengths on all points of Gamma, S_Gamma(k)=intsum_(x in ...
A surface in 3-space can be parameterized by two variables (or coordinates) u and v such that x = x(u,v) (1) y = y(u,v) (2) z = z(u,v). (3) If a surface is parameterized as ...
Surrogate data are artificially generated data which mimic statistical properties of real data. Isospectral surrogates have identical power spectra as real data but with ...
