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3991 - 4000 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results

The third Morley cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation It passes through Kimberling centers X_n for n=1, 357, 358, 1136, and 1137.
A surface of revolution obtained by rotating a closed plane curve about an axis parallel to the plane which does not intersect the curve. The simplest toroid is the torus. ...
A totative is a positive integer less than or equal to a number n which is also relatively prime to n, where 1 is counted as being relatively prime to all numbers. The number ...
Every real number is negative, 0, or positive. The law is sometimes stated as "For arbitrary real numbers a and b, exactly one of the relations a<b, a=b, a>b holds" (Apostol ...
The plane curve given by the equation axy = (a+x)(a-x)(2a-x) (1) = x^3-2ax^2-a^2x+2a^3, (2) which, solving for y, gives y=((a+x)(a-x)(2a-x))/(ax). (3) The plots above are for ...
The tridiminished icosahedron is Johnson solid J_(63). Interestingly, its skeleton has the same degree sequence as the triangular cupola.
cos(pi/(12)) = 1/4(sqrt(6)+sqrt(2)) (1) cos((5pi)/(12)) = 1/4(sqrt(6)-sqrt(2)) (2) cot(pi/(12)) = 2+sqrt(3) (3) cot((5pi)/(12)) = 2-sqrt(3) (4) csc(pi/(12)) = sqrt(6)+sqrt(2) ...
Jacobi theta functions can be used to uniformize all elliptic curves. Jacobi elliptic functions may also be used to uniformize some hyperelliptic curves, although only two ...
A function A such that B=del xA. The most common use of a vector potential is the representation of a magnetic field. If a vector field has zero divergence, it may be ...
An abstract machine that is implemented in software is termed a virtual machine.
