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3921 - 3930 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results

A generalization of the concept of set unions and intersections.
Any complex measure lambda decomposes into an absolutely continuous measure lambda_a and a singular measure lambda_c, with respect to some positive measure mu. This is the ...
Likelihood is the hypothetical probability that an event that has already occurred would yield a specific outcome. The concept differs from that of a probability in that a ...
A likelihood function L(a) is the probability or probability density for the occurrence of a sample configuration x_1, ..., x_n given that the probability density f(x;a) with ...
A curve on a surface whose tangents are always in the direction of principal curvature. The equation of the lines of curvature can be written |g_(11) g_(12) g_(22); b_(11) ...
A function f(x) satisfies the Lipschitz condition of order beta at x=0 if |f(h)-f(0)|<=B|h|^beta for all |h|<epsilon, where B and beta are independent of h, beta>0, and alpha ...
In abstract topology, a machine is method for producing infinite loop spaces and spectra. In automata theory, an abstract machine that is implemented in hardware is simply ...
The integral representation of ln[Gamma(z)] by lnGamma(z) = int_1^zpsi_0(z^')dz^' (1) = int_0^infty[(z-1)-(1-e^(-(z-1)t))/(1-e^(-t))](e^(-t))/tdt, (2) where lnGamma(z) is the ...
The Mangoldt function is the function defined by Lambda(n)={lnp if n=p^k for p a prime; 0 otherwise, (1) sometimes also called the lambda function. exp(Lambda(n)) has the ...
A random process whose future probabilities are determined by its most recent values. A stochastic process x(t) is called Markov if for every n and t_1<t_2...<t_n, we have ...
