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3871 - 3880 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results

Let n objects be picked repeatedly with probability p_i that object i is picked on a given try, with sum_(i)p_i=1. Find the earliest time at which all n objects have been ...
The Cox configuration is a (2^(d-1))_d configuration whose Levi graph is the d-hypercube graph.
An entire Cremona transformation is a birational transformation of the plane. Cremona transformations are maps of the form x_(i+1) = f(x_i,y_i) (1) y_(i+1) = g(x_i,y_i), (2) ...
If there is an integer x such that x^3=q (mod p), then q is said to be a cubic residue (mod p). If not, q is said to be a cubic nonresidue (mod p).
One of the Plücker characteristics, defined by p=1/2(n-1)(n-2)-(delta+kappa)=1/2(m-1)(m-2)-(tau+iota), where m is the class, n the order, delta the number of nodes, kappa the ...
Deduction is the process of drawing conclusions from premises and syllogisms.
A number of attractive 11-compounds of the regular dodecahedron can be constructed. The compound illustrated above will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
For R[a+b-c-d]<-1 and a and b not integers,
Down arrow notation is an inverse of the Knuth up-arrow notation defined by evn = lnn (1) evvn = ln^*n (2) evvvn = ln^(**)n, (3) where ln^*n is the number of times the ...
Elementary methods consist of arithmetic, geometry, and high school algebra. These are the only tools that may be used in the branch of number theory known as elementary ...
