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3661 - 3670 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results

Proof theory, also called metamathematics, is the study of mathematics and mathematical reasoning (Hofstadter 1989) in a general and abstract sense itself. Instead of ...
A proof by contradiction establishes the truth of a given proposition by the supposition that it is false and the subsequent drawing of a conclusion that is contradictory to ...
"Q.E.D." (sometimes written "QED") is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum" ("that which was to be demonstrated"), a notation which is often placed ...
For a group G and a normal subgroup N of G, the quotient group of N in G, written G/N and read "G modulo N", is the set of cosets of N in G. Quotient groups are also called ...
A method of proof which proceeds by stating a proposition and then showing that it results in a contradiction, thus demonstrating the proposition to be false. In the words of ...
The Ricci curvature tensor, also simply known as the Ricci tensor (Parker and Christensen 1994), is defined by R_(mukappa)=R^lambda_(mulambdakappa), where ...
The rook numbers r_k^((m,n)) of an m×n board are the number of subsets of size k such that no two elements have the same first or second coordinate. In other word, it is the ...
In statistics, sampling is the selection and implementation of statistical observations in order to estimate properties of an underlying population. Sampling is a vital part ...
Let x be a positive number, and define lambda(d) = mu(d)[ln(x/d)]^2 (1) f(n) = sum_(d)lambda(d), (2) where the sum extends over the divisors d of n, and mu(n) is the Möbius ...
Seymour conjectured that a graph G of order n with minimum vertex degree delta(G)>=kn/(k+1) contains the kth graph power of a Hamiltonian cycle, generalizing Pósa's ...
