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271 - 280 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results
Let I_A, I_B, and I_C be the vertices of the inner Soddy triangle, and also let E_A, E_B, and E_C be the pairwise contact points of the three tangent circles. Then the lines ...
There are at least two distinct notions of when a point process is stationary. The most commonly utilized terminology is as follows: Intuitively, a point process X defined on ...
The second isodynamic point S^' has triangle center function alpha=sin(A-1/3pi) and is Kimberling center X_(16) (Kimberling 1998, p. 69).
Five point geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following three axioms: 1. there exist exactly five points, 2. each two distinct points have exactly one line on both ...
The reciprocity theorem for x^8=q (mod p).
A fixed point of a linear transformation for which the rescaled variables satisfy (delta-alpha)^2+4betagamma=0.
If F is a family of more than n bounded closed convex sets in Euclidean n-space R^n, and if every H_n (where H_n is the Helly number) members of F have at least one point in ...
A theorem due to Conway et al. (1997) which states that, if a positive definite quadratic form with integer matrix entries represents all natural numbers up to 15, then it ...
Cube point picking is the three-dimensional case of hypercube point picking. The average distance from a point picked at random inside a unit cube to the center is given by ...
Pick any point P on a conic section, and draw a series of right angles having this point as their vertices. Then the line segments connecting the rays of the right angles ...
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