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Every nonconstant entire function attains every complex value with at most one exception (Henrici 1988, p. 216; Apostol 1997). Furthermore, every analytic function assumes ...
The identity sum_(y=0)^m(m; y)(w+m-y)^(m-y-1)(z+y)^y=w^(-1)(z+w+m)^m (Bhatnagar 1995, p. 51). There are a host of other such binomial identities.
If one root of the equation f(x)=0, which is irreducible over a field K, is also a root of the equation F(x)=0 in K, then all the roots of the irreducible equation f(x)=0 are ...
If theta is a given irrational number, then the sequence of numbers {ntheta}, where {x}=x-|_x_|, is dense in the unit interval. Explicitly, given any alpha, 0<=alpha<=1, and ...
A map u:M->N, between two compact Riemannian manifolds, is a harmonic map if it is a critical point for the energy functional int_M|du|^2dmu_M. The norm of the differential ...
Let a circle C_1 lie inside another circle C_2. From any point on C_2, draw a tangent to C_1 and extend it to C_2. From the point, draw another tangent, etc. For n tangents, ...
Voronin (1975) proved the remarkable analytical property of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that, roughly speaking, any nonvanishing analytic function can be approximated ...
Given a point P, the point P^' which is the antipodal point of P is said to be the antipode of P. The term antipode is also used in plane geometry. Given a central conic (or ...
The pedal curve of a sinusoidal spiral r=a[cos(nt)]^(1/n) with pedal point at the center is another sinusoidal spiral with polar equation r=a[cos(nt)]^(1+1/n). A few examples ...
Given a point P and a triangle DeltaABC, the Cevian triangle DeltaA^'B^'C^' is defined as the triangle composed of the endpoints of the cevians though the Cevian point P. A ...
