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1061 - 1070 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results
The zeros of the derivative P^'(z) of a polynomial P(z) that are not multiple zeros of P(z) are the positions of equilibrium in the field of force due to unit particles ...
If f is a continuous real-valued function on [a,b] and if any epsilon>0 is given, then there exists a polynomial p on [a,b] such that |f(x)-P(x)|<epsilon for all x in [a,b]. ...
A projection is the transformation of points and lines in one plane onto another plane by connecting corresponding points on the two planes with parallel lines. This can be ...
If an n-sided Poncelet transverse constructed for two given conic sections is closed for one point of origin, it is closed for any position of the point of origin. ...
Dissect a triangle into smaller triangles, such that all have full edge contact with their neighbors. Label the corners 1, 2, and 3. Label all vertices with 1, 2, or 3, with ...
The distance between two points is the length of the path connecting them. In the plane, the distance between points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2) is given by the Pythagorean ...
If a function phi:(0,infty)->(0,infty) satisfies 1. ln[phi(x)] is convex, 2. phi(x+1)=xphi(x) for all x>0, and 3. phi(1)=1, then phi(x) is the gamma function Gamma(x). ...
The number of "prime" boxes is always finite, where a set of boxes is prime if it cannot be built up from one or more given configurations of boxes.
Let R be a ring. If phi:R->S is a ring homomorphism, then Ker(phi) is an ideal of R, phi(R) is a subring of S, and R/Ker(phi)=phi(R).
An algebraically soluble equation of odd prime degree which is irreducible in the natural field possesses either 1. Only a single real root, or 2. All real roots.
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