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Using Clebsch-Aronhold notation, an algebraic curve satisfies xi_1^na_y^n+xi_1^(n-1)xi_2a_y^(n-1)a_x+1/2n(n-1)xi_1^(n-2)xi_2^2a_y^(n-2)a_x^2+... ...
The term used in propositional calculus for the NOR connective. The notation AvB is used for this connective.
A wide variety of large numbers crop up in mathematics. Some are contrived, but some actually arise in proofs. Often, it is possible to prove existence theorems by deriving ...
The United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx be used to refer to the binary logarithm log_2x (Taylor 1995, p. 33). However, this practice is not ...
The symbol ldx is occasionally used in German literature to refer to the binary logarithm. However, the United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx ...
For a real number x, the mantissa is defined as the positive fractional part x-|_x_|=frac(x), where |_x_| denotes the floor function. For example, for x=3.14159, the mantissa ...
A mixed fraction is an improper fraction p/q>1 written in the form n+r/s. In common usage such as cooking recipes, n+r/s is often written as n r/s (e.g., 1 1/2), much to the ...
A necessary and sufficient condition that [alpha^'] should be comparable with [alpha] for all positive values of the a is that one of (alpha^') and (alpha) should be ...
An open interval is an interval that does not include its end points. The open interval {x:a<x<b} is denoted (a,b), although the nonstandard notation ]a,b[ is sometimes also ...
A pointed space is a topological space X together with a choice of a basepoint x in X. The notation for a pointed space is (X,x). Maps between two pointed spaces must take ...
