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121 - 130 of 557 for Doomsday AlgorithmSearch Results

As a consequence of Matiyasevich's refutation of Hilbert's 10th problem, it can be proved that there does not exist a general algorithm for solving a general quartic ...
A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. For cyclic graphs, care must be taken to make sure that no nodes are ...
A problem is NP-hard if an algorithm for solving it can be translated into one for solving any NP-problem (nondeterministic polynomial time) problem. NP-hard therefore means ...
A constant appearing in formulas for the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm, B = (12ln2)/(pi^2)[-1/2+6/(pi^2)zeta^'(2)]+C-1/2 (1) = 0.06535142... (2) (OEIS A143304), where ...
An estimation technique which is insensitive to small departures from the idealized assumptions which have been used to optimize the algorithm. Classes of such techniques ...
An algorithm similar to Neville's algorithm for constructing the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. Let f(x|x_0,x_1,...,x_k) be the unique polynomial of kth polynomial order ...
Wolfram's iteration is an algorithm for computing the square root of a rational number 1<=r<4 using properties of the binary representation of r. The algorithm begins with ...
In August 2002, M. Agrawal and colleagues announced a deterministic algorithm for determining if a number is prime that runs in polynomial time (Agrawal et al. 2004). While ...
A primality test that provides an efficient probabilistic algorithm for determining if a given number is prime. It is based on the properties of strong pseudoprimes. The ...
When a Young tableau is constructed using the so-called insertion algorithm, an element starts in some position on the first row, from which it may later be bumped. In ...
