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581 - 590 of 1453 for Distance FormulaSearch Results
A nonnegative function g(x,y) describing the "distance" between neighboring points for a given set. A metric satisfies the triangle inequality g(x,y)+g(y,z)>=g(x,z) (1) and ...
A metric space is a set S with a global distance function (the metric g) that, for every two points x,y in S, gives the distance between them as a nonnegative real number ...
An N-cluster is a point lattice configuration in which the distance between every pair of points is an integer, no three points are collinear, and no four points are ...
In a plane, consider a sum of N two-dimensional vectors with random orientations. Use phasor notation, and let the phase of each vector be random. Assume N unit steps are ...
The reciprocal curve of a given circle is the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the center of reciprocation varies as its distance from the line which is ...
The rhombic triacontahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the rhombic triacontahedron, great rhombic triacontahedron, and small triambic ...
The chord through a focus parallel to the conic section directrix of a conic section is called the latus rectum, and half this length is called the semilatus rectum (Coxeter ...
The shortest path problem seeks to find the shortest path (a.k.a. graph geodesic) connecting two specific vertices (u,v) of a directed or undirected graph. The length of the ...
The slant height of an object (such as a frustum, or pyramid) is the distance measured along a lateral face from the base to the apex along the "center" of the face. In other ...
The taxicab metric, also called the Manhattan distance, is the metric of the Euclidean plane defined by g((x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2))=|x_1-x_2|+|y_1-y_2|, for all points ...
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