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2991 - 3000 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
The definition of an Anosov map is the same as for an Anosov diffeomorphism except that instead of being a diffeomorphism, it is a map. In particular, an Anosov map is a C^1 ...
The antipedal triangle DeltaA^'B^'C^' of a reference triangle DeltaABC with respect to a given point P is the triangle of which DeltaABC is the pedal triangle with respect to ...
An arithmetic series is the sum of a sequence {a_k}, k=1, 2, ..., in which each term is computed from the previous one by adding (or subtracting) a constant d. Therefore, for ...
An automorphic graph is a distance-transitive graph Gamma for which the automorphism group Aut(Gamma) acts primitively on the vertices of Gamma and is not a complete graph or ...
An important and fundamental axiom in set theory sometimes called Zermelo's axiom of choice. It was formulated by Zermelo in 1904 and states that, given any set of mutually ...
B-trees were introduced by Bayer (1972) and McCreight. They are a special m-ary balanced tree used in databases because their structure allows records to be inserted, ...
An infinite sequence of positive integers 1<=b_1<b_2<b_3<..., (1) also called a Sidon sequence, such that all pairwise sums b_i+b_j (2) for i<=j are distinct (Guy 1994). An ...
A Barker code is a string of digits a_i=+/-1 of length l>=2 such that |sum_(i=1)^(l-k)a_ia_(i+k)|<=1 for all 1<=k<l. Barker codes are used for pulse compression of radar ...
Bayesian analysis is a statistical procedure which endeavors to estimate parameters of an underlying distribution based on the observed distribution. Begin with a "prior ...
Intuitively, a model of d-dimensional percolation theory is said to be a Bernoulli model if the open/closed status of an area is completely random. In particular, it makes ...