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2561 - 2570 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
Let M be a regular surface with v_(p),w_(p) points in the tangent space M_(p) of M. Then the first fundamental form is the inner product of tangent vectors, ...
The first group isomorphism theorem, also known as the fundamental homomorphism theorem, states that if phi:G->H is a group homomorphism, then Ker(phi)⊴G and ...
Fischer's z-distribution is the general distribution defined by g(z)=(2n_1^(n_1/2)n_2^(n_2/2))/(B((n_1)/2,(n_2)/2))(e^(n_1z))/((n_1e^(2z)+n_2)^((n_1+n_2)/2)) (1) (Kenney and ...
A coordinate system similar to toroidal coordinates but with fourth-degree instead of second-degree surfaces for constant mu so that the toroids of circular cross section are ...
Also called the Tait flyping conjecture. Given two reduced alternating projections of the same knot, they are equivalent on the sphere iff they are related by a series of ...
The Fourier cosine transform of a real function is the real part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((c))[f(x)](k) = R[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = ...
The Fourier sine transform is the imaginary part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((s))[f(x)](k) = I[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = int_(-infty)^inftysin(2pikx)f(x)dx. (2) The ...
The Fourier transform is a generalization of the complex Fourier series in the limit as L->infty. Replace the discrete A_n with the continuous F(k)dk while letting n/L->k. ...
The fourth group isomorphism theorem, also called the lattice group isomorphism theorem, lets G be a group and let N⊴G, where N⊴G indicates that N is a normal subgroup of G. ...
Let R be a ring, and let I be an ideal of R. The correspondence A<->A/I is an inclusion preserving bijection between the set of subrings A of R that contain I and the set of ...