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A three-dimensional data set consisting of stacked two-dimensional data slices as a function of a third coordinate.
Data resulting from the observation of a population on a number of variables over time. Whenever observations are made more than once, the data is considered to be ...
A formal structure for the organization of information. Examples of data structures include the list, queue, stack, and tree.
The smallest statistical rank (either up or down) of a set of data.
Surrogate data are artificially generated data which mimic statistical properties of real data. Isospectral surrogates have identical power spectra as real data but with ...
An interval into which a given data point does or does not fall.
Moving medians are implemented in the Wolfram Language as MovingMedian[data, n].
A low-pass filter which is useful for smoothing data.
A bar graph is any plot of a set of data such that the number of data elements falling within one or more categories is indicated using a rectangle whose height or width is a ...
A phrase used by Tukey to describe data points which are outside the outer fences.
