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The Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma, sometimes also called Mercer's theorem, states that lim_(n->infty)int_a^bK(lambda,z)Csin(nz)dz=0 (1) for arbitrarily large C and "nice" ...
If two algebraic plane curves with only ordinary singular points and cusps are related such that the coordinates of a point on either are rational functions of a ...
The solution u(x,y)=int_0^xdxiint_1^yR(xi,eta;x,y)f(xi,eta)deta, where R(x,y;xieta) is the Riemann function of the linear Goursat problem with characteristics phi=psi=0 ...
Let z_0 be a point in a simply connected region R!=C, where C is the complex plane. Then there is a unique analytic function w=f(z) mapping R one-to-one onto the disk |w|<1 ...
The method for solving the Goursat problem and Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using a Riemann function.
Let f:D(z_0,r)\{z_0}->C be analytic and bounded on a punctured open disk D(z_0,r), then lim_(z->z_0)f(z) exists, and the function defined by f^~:D(z_0,r)->C f^~(z)={f(z) for ...
The word "place" has a special meaning in complex variables, where it roughly corresponds to a point in the complex plane (except that it reflects the Riemann sheet structure ...
A manifold possessing a metric tensor. For a complete Riemannian manifold, the metric d(x,y) is defined as the length of the shortest curve (geodesic) between x and y. Every ...
Suppose for every point x in a manifold M, an inner product <·,·>_x is defined on a tangent space T_xM of M at x. Then the collection of all these inner products is called ...
Associated with an irreducible curve of curve genus p, there are p linearly independent integrals of the first sort. The roots of the integrands are groups of the canonical ...
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