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961 - 970 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

The study of groups. Gauss developed but did not publish parts of the mathematics of group theory, but Galois is generally considered to have been the first to develop the ...
The gyroid, illustrated above, is an infinitely connected periodic minimal surface containing no straight lines (Osserman 1986) that was discovered by Schoen (1970). ...
The recursive sequence generated by the recurrence equation Q(n)=Q(n-Q(n-1))+Q(n-Q(n-2)), with Q(1)=Q(2)=1. The first few values are 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, ... (OEIS ...
A regularly spaced array of points in a square array, i.e., points with coordinates (m,n,...), where m, n, ... are integers. Such an array is often called a grid or mesh, and ...
In combinatorial logic minimization, a device known as a Karnaugh map is frequently used. It is similar to a truth table, but the various variables are represented along two ...
Let lim stand for the limit lim_(x->c), lim_(x->c^-), lim_(x->c^+), lim_(x->infty), or lim_(x->-infty), and suppose that lim f(x) and lim g(x) are both zero or are both ...
Approximants derived by expanding a function as a ratio of two power series and determining both the numerator and denominator coefficients. Padé approximations are usually ...
Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two main types of ...
The set R union {infty}, obtained by adjoining one improper element to the set R of real numbers, is the set of projectively extended real numbers. Although notation is not ...
Propositional calculus is the formal basis of logic dealing with the notion and usage of words such as "NOT," "OR," "AND," and "implies." Many systems of propositional ...
