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61 - 70 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

If it is possible to transform a coordinate system to a form where the metric elements g_(munu) are constants independent of x^mu, then the space is flat.
The set of points in the space of system variables such that initial conditions chosen in this set dynamically evolve to a particular attractor.
The x- (horizontal) coordinate of a point in a two dimensional coordinate system. Physicists and astronomers sometimes use the term to refer to the axis itself instead of the ...
The x-axis is the horizontal axis of a two-dimensional plot in Cartesian coordinates that is conventionally oriented to point to the right (left figure). In three dimensions, ...
A dynamical system in which the phase space volume contracts along a trajectory. This means that the generalized divergence is less than zero, (partialf_i)/(partialx_i)<0, ...
In random number computation, a seed is an initial number used as the starting point in a random number generating algorithm. In a dynamical system, a seed is a starting ...
A point about which inversion of two circles produced concentric circles. Every pair of distinct circles has two limiting points. The limiting points correspond to the point ...
The set of all zero-systems of a group G is denoted B(G) and is called the block monoid of G since it forms a commutative monoid under the operation of zero-system addition ...
Gödel's second incompleteness theorem states no consistent axiomatic system which includes Peano arithmetic can prove its own consistency. Stated more colloquially, any ...
The conjugate gradient method can be applied on the normal equations. The CGNE and CGNR methods are variants of this approach that are the simplest methods for nonsymmetric ...
