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251 - 260 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

In elliptic cylindrical coordinates, the scale factors are h_u=h_v=sqrt(sinh^2u+sin^2v), h_z=1, and the separation functions are f_1(u)=f_2(v)=f_3(z)=1, giving a Stäckel ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
The scale factors are h_u=h_v=sqrt(u^2+v^2), h_theta=uv and the separation functions are f_1(u)=u, f_2(v)=v, f_3(theta)=1, given a Stäckel determinant of S=u^2+v^2. The ...
In parabolic cylindrical coordinates, the scale factors are h_u=h_v=sqrt(u^2+v^2), h_z=1 and the separation functions are f_1(u)=f_2(v)=f_3(z)=1, giving Stäckel determinant ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
The Helmholtz differential equation in spherical coordinates is separable. In fact, it is separable under the more general condition that k^2 is of the form ...
In conical coordinates, Laplace's equation can be written ...
The vector Laplacian can be generalized to yield the tensor Laplacian A_(munu;lambda)^(;lambda) = (g^(lambdakappa)A_(munu;lambda))_(;kappa) (1) = ...
A vector Laplacian can be defined for a vector A by del ^2A=del (del ·A)-del x(del xA), (1) where the notation ✡ is sometimes used to distinguish the vector Laplacian from ...
Let x->y and u->v be two rules of a term rewriting system, and suppose these rules have no variables in common. If they do, rename the variables. If x_1 is a subterm of x (or ...
