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8031 - 8040 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results
A problem asking for the shortest tour of a graph which visits each edge at least once (Kwan 1962; Skiena 1990, p. 194). For an Eulerian graph, an Eulerian cycle is the ...
Let r and s be positive integers which are relatively prime and let a and b be any two integers. Then there is an integer N such that N=a (mod r) (1) and N=b (mod s). (2) ...
Chió pivotal condensation is a method for evaluating an n×n determinant in terms of (n-1)×(n-1) determinants. It also leads to some remarkable determinant identities (Eves ...
A general class of means introduced by Italian mathematician Oscar Chisini (pronounced keeseenee) in 1929. Given a function of n variables f(x_1,...,x_n), the Chisini mean of ...
Given a symmetric positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an upper triangular matrix U with strictly positive diagonal entries such that A=U^(T)U. Cholesky ...
A chordless graph is a simple graph possessing no chords. A chordal graph (which possesses no chordless cycles) is not the same as (or converse of) a chordless graph (which ...
The Christmas stocking theorem, also known as the hockey stick theorem, states that the sum of a diagonal string of numbers in Pascal's triangle starting at the nth entry ...
For three consecutive orders of an orthonormal polynomial, the following relationship holds for n=2, 3, ...: p_n(x)=(A_nx+B_n)p_(n-1)(x)-C_np_(n-2)(x), (1) where A_n>0, B_n, ...
One of the quantities lambda_i appearing in the Gauss-Jacobi mechanical quadrature. They satisfy lambda_1+lambda_2+...+lambda_n = int_a^bdalpha(x) (1) = alpha(b)-alpha(a) (2) ...
Two nonisomorphic graphs are said to be chromatically equivalent (also termed "chromically equivalent by Bari 1974) if they have identical chromatic polynomials. A graph that ...
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