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6431 - 6440 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results
Let p be an odd prime, k be an integer such that pk and 1<=k<=2(p+1), and N=2kp+1. Then the following are equivalent 1. N is prime. 2. There exists an a such that ...
Let n-1=FR where F is the factored part of a number F=p_1^(a_1)...p_r^(a_r), (1) where (R,F)=1, and R<sqrt(n). Pocklington's theorem, also known as the Pocklington-Lehmer ...
The first and second Pöschl-Teller differential equations are given by y^('')-{a^2[(kappa(kappa-1))/(sin^2(ax))+(lambda(lambda-1))/(cos^2(ax))]-b^2}y=0 and ...
The system of partial differential equations u_(xx)-u_(yy)+/-sinucosu+(cosu)/(sin^3u)(v_x^2-v_y^2)=0 (v_xcot^2u)_x=(v_ycot^2u)_y.
Every Lie algebra L is isomorphic to a subalgebra of some Lie algebra A^-, where the associative algebra A may be taken to be the linear operators over a vector space V.
f(z)=k/((cz+d)^r)f((az+b)/(cz+d)) where I[z]>0.
The index of a vector field with finitely many zeros on a compact, oriented manifold is the same as the Euler characteristic of the manifold.
The Poincaré group is another name for the inhomogeneous Lorentz group (Weinberg 1972, p. 28) and corresponds to the group of inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations, also ...
A nonsimply connected 3-manifold, also called a dodecahedral space.
Let {y^k} be a set of orthonormal vectors with k=1, 2, ..., K, such that the inner product (y^k,y^k)=1. Then set x=sum_(k=1)^Ku_ky^k (1) so that for any square matrix A for ...