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131 - 140 of 2405 for Conjunctive Normal FormSearch Results
Also known as the Serret-Frenet formulas, these vector differential equations relate inherent properties of a parametrized curve. In matrix form, they can be written [T^.; ...
The set of all planes through a line. The line is sometimes called the axis of the sheaf, and the sheaf itself is sometimes called a pencil (Altshiller-Court 1979, p. 12; ...
In predicate calculus, a universal formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
If X and Y are independent variates and X+Y is a normal distribution, then both X and Y must have normal distributions. This was proved by Cramér in 1936.
Two planes always intersect in a line as long as they are not parallel. Let the planes be specified in Hessian normal form, then the line of intersection must be ...
An invariant series of a group G is a normal series I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G such that each A_i<|G, where H<|G means that H is a normal subgroup of G.
A continuous distribution defined on the range x in [0,2pi) with probability density function P(x)=(e^(bcos(x-a)))/(2piI_0(b)), (1) where I_0(x) is a modified Bessel function ...
erf(z) is the "error function" encountered in integrating the normal distribution (which is a normalized form of the Gaussian function). It is an entire function defined by ...
A set of planes sharing a point in common. For planes specified in Hessian normal form, a bundle of planes can therefore be specified as ...
If x is a regular patch on a regular surface in R^3 with normal N^^, then x_(uu) = Gamma_(11)^1x_u+Gamma_(11)^2x_v+eN^^ (1) x_(uv) = Gamma_(12)^1x_u+Gamma_(12)^2x_v+fN^^ (2) ...