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591 - 600 of 820 for Confluent Hypergeometric Functionofthe F...Search Results

The arithmetic-geometric mean agm(a,b) of two numbers a and b (often also written AGM(a,b) or M(a,b)) is defined by starting with a_0=a and b_0=b, then iterating a_(n+1) = ...
A busy beaver is an n-state, 2-color Turing machine which writes a maximum number Sigma(n) of 1s before halting (Rado 1962; Lin and Rado 1965; Shallit 1998). Alternatively, ...
Champernowne's constant C=0.12345678910111213... (1) (OEIS A033307) is the number obtained by concatenating the positive integers and interpreting them as decimal digits to ...
The complex numbers are the field C of numbers of the form x+iy, where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit equal to the square root of -1, sqrt(-1). When a ...
There exists an integer N such that every string in the look and say sequence "decays" in at most N days to a compound of "common" and "transuranic elements." The table below ...
The simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest ...
Consider the plane quartic curve X defined by x^3y+y^3z+z^3x=0, where homogeneous coordinates have been used here so that z can be considered a parameter (the plot above ...
Logic is the formal mathematical study of the methods, structure, and validity of mathematical deduction and proof. According to Wolfram (2002, p. 860), logic is the most ...
The integer sequence beginning with a single digit in which the next term is obtained by describing the previous term. Starting with 1, the sequence would be defined by "1, ...
Let lambda_(m,n) be Chebyshev constants. Schönhage (1973) proved that lim_(n->infty)(lambda_(0,n))^(1/n)=1/3. (1) It was conjectured that the number ...
