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311 - 320 of 820 for Confluent Hypergeometric Functionofthe F...Search Results
The associated Legendre polynomials P_l^m(x) and P_l^(-m)(x) generalize the Legendre polynomials P_l(x) and are solutions to the associated Legendre differential equation, ...
The number of ways a set of n elements can be partitioned into nonempty subsets is called a Bell number and is denoted B_n (not to be confused with the Bernoulli number, ...
The great success mathematicians had studying hypergeometric functions _pF_q(a_1,...,a_p;b_1,...,b_q;z) for the convergent cases (p<=q+1) prompted attempts to provide ...
Gauss's continued fraction is given by the continued fraction ...
The q-hypergeometric function identity _rphi_s^'[a,qsqrt(a),-qsqrt(a),1/b,1/c,1/d,1/e,1/f; sqrt(a),-sqrt(a),abq,acq,adq,aeq,afq] ...
where Gamma(z) is the gamma function and other details are discussed by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000).
The solutions to the Riemann P-differential equation are known as the Riemann P-series, or sometimes the Riemann P-function, given by u(z)=P{a b c; alpha beta gamma; alpha^' ...
A q-analog of Zeilberger's algorithm.
A hypergeometric class of orthogonal polynomials defined by R_n(lambda(x);alpha,beta,gamma,delta) =_4F_3(-n,n+alpha+beta+1,-x,x+gamma+delta+1; alpha+1,beta+delta+1,gamma+1;1) ...
If at least one of d, e, or f has the form q^(-N) for some nonnegative integer N (in which case both sums terminate after N+1 terms), then ...
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