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111 - 120 of 479 for Computing with percentsSearch Results
A continuous statistical distribution which arises in the testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance. Let chi_m^2 and chi_n^2 be independent variates ...
Let S be a nonempty set, then a filter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1. emptyset not in F, 2. If A,B in F, then A ...
The Fourier cosine transform of a real function is the real part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((c))[f(x)](k) = R[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = ...
The Fourier sine transform is the imaginary part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((s))[f(x)](k) = I[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = int_(-infty)^inftysin(2pikx)f(x)dx. (2) The ...
An integral equation of the form phi(x)=f(x)+lambdaint_(-infty)^inftyK(x,t)phi(t)dt (1) phi(x)=1/(sqrt(2pi))int_(-infty)^infty(F(t)e^(-ixt)dt)/(1-sqrt(2pi)lambdaK(t)). (2) ...
The tabulation of raw data obtained by dividing it into classes of some size and computing the number of data elements (or their fraction out of the total) falling within ...
Any symmetric polynomial (respectively, symmetric rational function) can be expressed as a polynomial (respectively, rational function) in the elementary symmetric ...
A method for finding a matrix inverse. To apply Gauss-Jordan elimination, operate on a matrix [A I]=[a_(11) ... a_(1n) 1 0 ... 0; a_(21) ... a_(2n) 0 1 ... 0; | ... | | | ... ...
Gaussian brackets are notation published by Gauss in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae and defined by [ ]=1 (1) [a_1]=a_1 (2) [a_1,a_2]=[a_1]a_2+[ ] (3) ...
At rational arguments p/q, the digamma function psi_0(p/q) is given by psi_0(p/q)=-gamma-ln(2q)-1/2picot(p/qpi) +2sum_(k=1)^([q/2]-1)cos((2pipk)/q)ln[sin((pik)/q)] (1) for ...
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