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101 - 110 of 479 for Computing with percentsSearch Results
An improper use of the symbol sqrt(-1) for the imaginary unit leads to the apparent proof of a false statement. sqrt(-1) = sqrt(-1) (1) sqrt((-1)/1) = sqrt(1/(-1)) (2) ...
A sophisticated checksum (often abbreviated CRC), which is based on the algebra of polynomials over the integers (mod 2). It is substantially more reliable in detecting ...
The discrete Fourier transform of length N (where N is even) can be rewritten as the sum of two discrete Fourier transforms, each of length N/2. One is formed from the ...
The inversion of a convolution equation, i.e., the solution for f of an equation of the form f*g=h+epsilon, given g and h, where epsilon is the noise and * denotes the ...
Also known as "Laplacian" determinant expansion by minors, expansion by minors is a technique for computing the determinant of a given square matrix M. Although efficient for ...
Let P be a matrix of eigenvectors of a given square matrix A and D be a diagonal matrix with the corresponding eigenvalues on the diagonal. Then, as long as P is a square ...
The E_n(x) function is defined by the integral E_n(x)=int_1^infty(e^(-xt)dt)/(t^n) (1) and is given by the Wolfram Language function ExpIntegralE[n, x]. Defining t=eta^(-1) ...
There exists a triangulation point Y for which the triangles BYC, CYA, and AYB have equal Brocard angles. This point is a triangle center known as the equi-Brocard center and ...
The sequence of numbers obtained by letting a_1=2, and defining a_n=lpf(1+product_(k=1)^(n-1)a_k) where lpf(n) is the least prime factor. The first few terms are 2, 3, 7, 43, ...
A method for solving ordinary differential equations using the formula y_(n+1)=y_n+hf(x_n,y_n), which advances a solution from x_n to x_(n+1)=x_n+h. Note that the method ...
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