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8281 - 8290 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A completely multiplicative function, sometimes known as linear or totally multiplicative function, is an arithmetic function f(n) such that f(mn)=f(m)f(n) holds for each ...
A polyhedral graph is completely regular if the dual graph is also regular. There are only five types. Let rho be the number of graph edges at each node, rho^* the number of ...
A topological space X such that for every closed subset C of X and every point x in X\C, there is a continuous function f:X->[0,1] such that f(x)=0 and f(C)={1}. This is the ...
A metric space X which is not complete has a Cauchy sequence which does not converge. The completion of X is obtained by adding the limits to the Cauchy sequences. For ...
Let z=x+iy and f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) on some region G containing the point z_0. If f(z) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations and has continuous first partial derivatives in ...
A complex number may be taken to the power of another complex number. In particular, complex exponentiation satisfies (a+bi)^(c+di)=(a^2+b^2)^((c+id)/2)e^(i(c+id)arg(a+ib)), ...
The differential forms on C^n decompose into forms of type (p,q), sometimes called (p,q)-forms. For example, on C, the exterior algebra decomposes into four types: ^ C = ^ ^0 ...
A complex manifold is a manifold M whose coordinate charts are open subsets of C^n and the transition functions between charts are holomorphic functions. Naturally, a complex ...
A measure which takes values in the complex numbers. The set of complex measures on a measure space X forms a vector space. Note that this is not the case for the more common ...
The modulus of a complex number z, also called the complex norm, is denoted |z| and defined by |x+iy|=sqrt(x^2+y^2). (1) If z is expressed as a complex exponential (i.e., a ...
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