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3971 - 3980 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results

A version of fractal dimension used in time-series analysis.
Determined the possible values of r and n for which there is an identity of the form (x_1^2+...+x_r^2)(y_1^2+...+y_r^2)=z_1^2+...+z_n^2.
A polynomial with real positive coefficients and roots which are either negative or pairwise conjugate with negative real parts.
A connection between two or more vertices of a hypergraph. A hyperedge connecting just two vertices is simply a usual graph edge.
A space having dimension n>3.
The double-struck capital letter I, I, is a symbol sometimes used instead of Z for the ring of integers. In contrast, the lower case symbol i is used to refer to the ...
An operator A^~ such that A^~^2=A^~ or an element of an algebra x such that x^2=x.
Definitions about a set which depend on the entire set.
A divisor which is not a proper divisor.
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has equal nonzero eigenvectors.
