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2951 - 2960 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
If two curves phi and psi of multiplicities r_i!=0 and s_i!=0 have only ordinary points or ordinary singular points and cusps in common, then every curve which has at least ...
An extremely powerful theorem in physics which states that each symmetry of a system leads to a physically conserved quantity. Symmetry under translation corresponds to ...
Any irreducible curve may be carried by a factorable Cremona transformation into one with none but ordinary singular points.
"Nordstrand's weird surface" is an attractive quartic surface given by the implicit equation It has 11 ordinary double points located at (2/5,0,0), (-2/5,0,0), ...
g_(ij)=[0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1 0]. It can be expressed as g_(ab)=l_an_b+l_bn_a-m_am^__b-m_bm^__a.
An angle greater than pi/2 radians (90 degrees) and less than pi radians (180 degrees).
An octic curve is an algebraic curve of order eight. The pear curve is an example of an octic curve.
An algebraic surface of degree eight. The maximum number of ordinary double points known to exist on an octic surface is 168 (the Endraß octics), although the rigorous upper ...
A surface which is homeomorphic to a finite collection of spheres, each with a finite number of handles, cross-handles, cross-caps, and perforations. A preliminary version of ...
A nonsingular linear map A:R^n->R^n is orientation-preserving if det(A)>0.
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