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11981 - 11990 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
The probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its greatest prime factor <=x^alpha approaches a limiting value F(alpha) as x->infty, where F(alpha)=1 for ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
Let u_(B,b)(n) be the number of digit blocks of a sequence B in the base-b expansion of n. The following table gives the sequence {u_(B)(n)} for a number of blocks B. B OEIS ...
The dihedral group D_3 is a particular instance of one of the two distinct abstract groups of group order 6. Unlike the cyclic group C_6 (which is Abelian), D_3 is ...
The 10.1.2 equation A^(10)=B^(10)+C^(10) (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=10, and so has no solution. No 10.1.n solutions are known with n<13. A 10.1.13 ...
The 7.1.2 equation A^7+B^7=C^7 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=7, and so has no solution. No solutions to the 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6 equations are ...
The 8.1.2 equation A^8+B^8=C^8 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=8, and so has no solution. No 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, or 8.1.7 solutions are known. ...
The 9.1.2 equation A^9=B^9+C^9 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=9, and so has no solution. No 9.1.3, 9.1.4, 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, or 9.1.9 ...
A set of m distinct positive integers S={a_1,...,a_m} satisfies the Diophantus property D(n) of order n (a positive integer) if, for all i,j=1, ..., m with i!=j, ...
The Dirac matrices are a class of 4×4 matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as ...
