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381 - 390 of 1015 for Computational AlgorithmsSearch Results
A binary relation associated with an instance of the stable marriage problem. Stable marriages correspond to vertices with outdegree 0 in the divorce digraph (Skiena 1990, p. ...
Ellipsoidal calculus is a method for solving problems in control and estimation theory having unknown but bounded errors in terms of sets of approximating ellipsoidal-value ...
An agreement in which all parties feel as if they have received the best deal.
Also known as the difference of squares method. It was first used by Fermat and improved by Gauss. Gauss looked for integers x and y satisfying y^2=x^2-N (mod E) for various ...
A binary tree in which special nodes are added wherever a null subtree was present in the original tree so that each node in the original tree (except the root node) has ...
The first quadratic nonresidue mod p of a number is always less than 3(lnp)^2/2 (Wedeniwski 2001).
Let A be a matrix and x and b vectors. Then the system Ax=b, x>=0 has no solution iff the system A^(T)y>=0, b^(T)y<0 has a solution, where y is a vector (Fang and Puthenpura ...
A member of a collection of sets is said to be maximal if it cannot be expanded to another member by addition of any element. Maximal sets are important in graph theory since ...
Given a collection of sets, a member set that is not a proper subset of another member set is called a minimal set. Minimal sets are important in graph theory, since many ...
The vector field N_f(z)=-(f(z))/(f^'(z)) arising in the definition of the Newtonian graph of a complex univariate polynomial f (Smale 1985, Shub et al. 1988, Kozen and ...
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