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111 - 120 of 1015 for Computational AlgorithmsSearch Results
An algorithm for computing an Egyptian fraction, called the Farey sequence method by Bleicher (1972).
A theory is decidable iff there is an algorithm which can determine whether or not any sentence r is a member of the theory.
An elegant algorithm for constructing an Eulerian cycle (Skiena 1990, p. 193).
A fast Fourier transform-like algorithm which produces a hologram of an image.
The use of three prior points in a root-finding algorithm to estimate the zero crossing.
An algorithm for computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for large symmetric sparse matrices.
An algorithm which isolates roots in the complex plane by generalizing one-dimensional bracketing.
A specific prescription for carrying out a task or solving a problem. Also called an algorithm, method, or technique
The so-called reaching algorithm can solve the shortest path problem (i.e., the problem of finding the graph geodesic between two given nodes) on an m-edge graph in O(m) ...
An algorithm which finds the least nonnegative value of sqrt(a (mod p)) for given a and prime p.
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