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The Lorentzian function is the singly peaked function given by L(x)=1/pi(1/2Gamma)/((x-x_0)^2+(1/2Gamma)^2), (1) where x_0 is the center and Gamma is a parameter specifying ...
An orientation on an n-dimensional manifold is given by a nowhere vanishing differential n-form. Alternatively, it is an bundle orientation for the tangent bundle. If an ...
A map is a way of associating unique objects to every element in a given set. So a map f:A|->B from A to B is a function f such that for every a in A, there is a unique ...
Mergelyan's theorem can be stated as follows (Krantz 1999). Let K subset= C be compact and suppose C^*\K has only finitely many connected components. If f in C(K) is ...
A second-order partial differential equation of the form Hr+2Ks+Lt+M+N(rt-s^2)=0, (1) where H, K, L, M, and N are functions of x, y, z, p, and q, and r, s, t, p, and q are ...
In a set X equipped with a binary operation · called a product, the multiplicative identity is an element e such that e·x=x·e=x for all x in X. It can be, for example, the ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
"Neighborhood" is a word with many different levels of meaning in mathematics. One of the most general concepts of a neighborhood of a point x in R^n (also called an ...
Several flavors of the open mapping theorem state: 1. A continuous surjective linear mapping between Banach spaces is an open map. 2. A nonconstant analytic function on a ...
Let S be a subset of a metric space. Then the set S is open if every point in S has a neighborhood lying in the set. An open set of radius r and center x_0 is the set of all ...
