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321 - 330 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
A macron is a bar placed over a single symbol or character, such as x^_. The symbol z^_ is sometimes used to denote the following operations: 1. The complex conjugate z^_. 2. ...
A diagram lemma which states that every short exact sequence of chain complexes and chain homomorphisms 0-->C-->^phiD-->^psiE-->0 gives rise to a long exact sequence in ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/7 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 7 is not a ...
Let gamma be a path in C, w=f(z), and theta and phi be the tangents to the curves gamma and f(gamma) at z_0 and w_0. If there is an N such that f^((N))(z_0) != 0 (1) ...
In general, there is no unique matrix solution A to the matrix equation y=Ax. Even in the case of y parallel to x, there are still multiple matrices that perform this ...
A Gaussian integer is a complex number a+bi where a and b are integers. The Gaussian integers are members of the imaginary quadratic field Q(sqrt(-1)) and form a ring often ...
In an additive group G, the additive inverse of an element a is the element a^' such that a+a^'=a^'+a=0, where 0 is the additive identity of G. Usually, the additive inverse ...
Analytic number theory is the branch of number theory which uses real and complex analysis to investigate various properties of integers and prime numbers. Examples of topics ...
A notation invented by Dirac which is very useful in quantum mechanics. The notation defines the "ket" vector, denoted |psi>, and its conjugate transpose, called the "bra" ...
A ring without zero divisors in which an integer norm and an associated division algorithm (i.e., a Euclidean algorithm) can be defined. For signed integers, the usual norm ...
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