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841 - 850 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

Let mu be a positive measure on a sigma-algebra M, and let lambda be an arbitrary (real or complex) measure on M. If there is a set A in M such that lambda(E)=lambda(A ...
A vector v on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some bounded linear operator T on H so that the set of orbits {T^iv}_(i=0)^infty={v,Tv,T^2v,...} is dense ...
Let A be any algebra over a field F, and define a derivation of A as a linear operator D on A satisfying (xy)D=(xD)y+x(yD) for all x,y in A. Then the set D(A) of all ...
The metric g defined on a nonempty set X by g(x,x) = 0 (1) g(x,y) = 1 (2) if x!=y for all x,y in X. It follows that the open ball of radius r>0 and center at x_0 B(x_0,r)={x ...
An edge automorphism of a graph G is a permutation of the edges of G that sends edges with common endpoint into edges with a common endpoint. The set of all edge ...
The set of all edge automorphisms of G, denoted Aut^*(G). Let L(G) be the line graph of a graph G. Then the edge automorphism group Aut^*(G) is isomorphic to Aut(L(G)), ...
Given a module M over a unit ring R, the set End_R(M) of its module endomorphisms is a ring with respect to the addition of maps, (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), for all x in M, and the ...
A set of curves whose equations are of the same form but which have different values assigned to one or more parameters in the equations. Families of curves arise, for ...
Let D be a planar Abelian difference set and t be any divisor of n. Then t is a numerical multiplier of D, where a multiplier is defined as an automorphism alpha of a group G ...
A fractional clique of a graph G is a nonnegative real function on the vertices of G such that sum of the values on the vertices of any independent set is at most one. The ...
