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531 - 540 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
Regular expressions define formal languages as sets of strings over a finite alphabet. Let sigma denote a selected alphabet. Then emptyset is a regular expression that ...
In a lattice, any two elements a and b have a least upper bound. This least upper bound is often called the join of a and b, and is denoted by a v b. One can also speak of ...
In a lattice, any two elements a and b have a greatest lower bound. This greatest lower bound is often called the meet of a and b, and is denoted by a ^ b. One can also speak ...
A collection of open sets of a topological space whose union contains a given subset. For example, an open cover of the real line, with respect to the Euclidean topology, is ...
The topology induced by a topological space X on a subset S. The open sets of S are the intersections S intersection U, where U is an open set of X. For example, in the ...
An ultrametric is a metric which satisfies the following strengthened version of the triangle inequality, d(x,z)<=max(d(x,y),d(y,z)) for all x,y,z. At least two of d(x,y), ...
Let X be an infinite set of urelements, and let V(^*X) be an enlargement of V(X). Let H in V(^*X) be an algebra. Then H is hyperfinitely generated provided that it has a ...
The term "closure" has various meanings in mathematics. The topological closure of a subset A of a topological space X is the smallest closed subset of X containing A. If R ...
A topological space decomposes into its connected components. The connectedness relation between two pairs of points satisfies transitivity, i.e., if a∼b and b∼c then a∼c. ...
Let S be a nonempty set, then a filter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1. emptyset not in F, 2. If A,B in F, then A ...
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