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2321 - 2330 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
Two oriented knots (or links) can be summed by placing them side by side and joining them by straight bars so that orientation is preserved in the sum. The knot sum is also ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
In functional analysis, the Lax-Milgram theorem is a sort of representation theorem for bounded linear functionals on a Hilbert space H. The result is of tantamount ...
The Leibniz integral rule gives a formula for differentiation of a definite integral whose limits are functions of the differential variable, (1) It is sometimes known as ...
The paradox of a man who states "I am lying." If he is lying, then he is telling the truth, and vice versa. Another version of this paradox is the Epimenides paradox. Such ...
A transformation of the form w=f(z)=(az+b)/(cz+d), (1) where a, b, c, d in C and ad-bc!=0, (2) is a conformal mapping called a linear fractional transformation. The ...
A linear transformation between two vector spaces V and W is a map T:V->W such that the following hold: 1. T(v_1+v_2)=T(v_1)+T(v_2) for any vectors v_1 and v_2 in V, and 2. ...
A minimum vertex cover is a vertex cover having the smallest possible number of vertices for a given graph. The size of a minimum vertex cover of a graph G is known as the ...
Minkowski space is a four-dimensional space possessing a Minkowski metric, i.e., a metric tensor having the form dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2. Alternatively ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a modular Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <··> and a ...
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