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1801 - 1810 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
The Littlewood conjecture states that for any two real numbers x,y in R, lim inf_(n->infty)n|nx-nint(nx)||ny-nint(ny)|=0 where nint(z) denotes the nearest integer function. ...
A topological space X is semilocally simply connected (also called semilocally 1-connected) if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that any loop L:[0,1]->U with ...
Linear Algebra
The Petersen graph is the cubic graph on 10 vertices and 15 edges which is the unique (3,5)-cage graph (Harary 1994, p. 175), as well as the unique (3,5)-Moore graph. It can ...
The 120-cell is a finite regular four-dimensional polytope with Schläfli symbol {5,3,3}. It is also known as the hyperdodecahedron or hecatonicosachoron, and is composed of ...
The chromatic invariant theta(G) of a connected graph G is the number of spanning trees of G that have internal activity 1 and external activity 0. For graphs other than the ...
The Dyck graph is unique cubic symmetric graph on 32 nodes, illustrated above in a number of embeddings. It is denoted F_(032)A in the Foster census of cubic symmetric graphs ...
The line on which the orthocenter H, triangle centroid G, circumcenter O, de Longchamps point L, nine-point center N, and a number of other important triangle centers lie. ...
A generalized quadrangle is a generalized polygon of order 4. An order-(s,t) generalized quadrangle contains s+1 points in each line and has t+1 lines through every point, ...
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