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1711 - 1720 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

A product of ANDs, denoted ^ _(k=1)^nA_k. The conjunctions of a Boolean algebra A of subsets of cardinality p are the 2^p functions A_lambda= union _(i in lambda)A_i, where ...
Given a sequence of real numbers a_n, the infimum limit (also called the limit inferior or lower limit), written lim inf and pronounced 'lim-inf,' is the limit of ...
An ordinal number is called an initial ordinal if every smaller ordinal has a smaller cardinal number (Moore 1982, p. 248; Rubin 1967, p. 271). The omega_alphas ordinal ...
The Zariski topology is a topology that is well-suited for the study of polynomial equations in algebraic geometry, since a Zariski topology has many fewer open sets than in ...
Direct sums are defined for a number of different sorts of mathematical objects, including subspaces, matrices, modules, and groups. The matrix direct sum is defined by ...
A triangle line lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0 defined relative to a reference triangle is called a central line iff l:m:n is a triangle center (Kimberling 1998, p. 127). If l:m:n is ...
An Eisenstein series with half-period ratio tau and index r is defined by G_r(tau)=sum^'_(m=-infty)^inftysum^'_(n=-infty)^infty1/((m+ntau)^r), (1) where the sum sum^(') ...
erf(z) is the "error function" encountered in integrating the normal distribution (which is a normalized form of the Gaussian function). It is an entire function defined by ...
The Grötzsch graph is smallest triangle-free graph with chromatic number four. It is identical to the Mycielski graph of order four, and is implemented as ...
The Harries graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries-Wong graph. The Harries graph is ...
