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1691 - 1700 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
An open interval is an interval that does not include its end points. The open interval {x:a<x<b} is denoted (a,b), although the nonstandard notation ]a,b[ is sometimes also ...
A map which sends open sets to open sets.
A pair of quantities (a, b) where ordering is significant, so (a, b) is considered distinct from (b, a) for a!=b.
The complex plane C with the origin removed, i.e., C-{0}. The punctured plane is sometimes denoted C^* (although this notation conflicts with that for the Riemann sphere C-*, ...
A Reeb component is a Reeb foliation (M,F) whose leaves are proper. A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
Given any two distinct points x,y, there exist neighborhoods u and v of x and y, respectively, with u intersection v=emptyset. It then follows that finite subsets are closed.
One of Cantor's ordinal numbers omega, omega+1, omega+2, ..., omega+omega, omega+omega+1, ... which is "larger" than any whole number.
Dynamical Systems
The map H_n(X,A)->H_(n-1)(A) appearing in the long exact sequence of a pair axiom.
A topological space.
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