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1251 - 1260 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
A set of planes sharing a point in common. For planes specified in Hessian normal form, a bundle of planes can therefore be specified as ...
A set of functions {f_1(n,x),f_2(n,x)} is termed a complete biorthogonal system in the closed interval R if, they are biorthogonal, i.e., int_Rf_1(m,x)f_1(n,x)dx = ...
The upper and lower hinges are descriptive statistics of a set of N data values, where N is of the form N=4n+5 with n=0, 1, 2, .... The hinges are obtained by ordering the ...
Let t(m) denote the set of the phi(m) numbers less than and relatively prime to m, where phi(n) is the totient function. Then if S_m=sum_(t(m))1/t, (1) then {S_m=0 (mod m^2) ...
The winding number W(theta) of a map f(theta) with initial value theta is defined by W(theta)=lim_(n->infty)(f^n(theta)-theta)/n, which represents the average increase in the ...
A Monge patch is a patch x:U->R^3 of the form x(u,v)=(u,v,h(u,v)), (1) where U is an open set in R^2 and h:U->R is a differentiable function. The coefficients of the first ...
A set of numbers obeying a pattern like the following: 91·37 = 3367 (1) 9901·3367 = 33336667 (2) 999001·333667 = 333333666667 (3) 99990001·33336667 = 3333333366666667 (4) 4^2 ...
Each row and each column in the group multiplication table lists each of the group elements once and only once. From this, it follows that no two elements may be in the ...
A formula of first-order logic is said to be in Skolemized form (sometimes also called Skolem standard form or universal form) if it is of the form forall x_1... forall x_nM, ...
A statement which is rigorously known to be correct. A statement which is not true is called false, although certain statements can be proved to be rigorously undecidable ...
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