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In general, the word "complement" refers to that subset F^' of some set S which excludes a given subset F. Taking F and its complement F^' together then gives the whole of ...
Given a set S with a subset E, the complement (denoted E^' or E^_) of E with respect to S is defined as E^'={F:F in S,F not in E}. (1) Using set difference notation, the ...
The complement of a graph G, sometimes called the edge-complement (Gross and Yellen 2006, p. 86), is the graph G^', sometimes denoted G^_ or G^c (e.g., Clark and Entringer ...
A definable set which is the complement of an analytic set.
The orthogonal complement of a subspace V of the vector space R^n is the set of vectors which are orthogonal to all elements of V. For example, the orthogonal complement of ...
If sets E and F are independent, then so are E and F^', where F^' is the complement of F (i.e., the set of all possible outcomes not contained in F). Let union denote "or" ...
The set difference A\B is defined by A\B={x:x in A and x not in B}. Here, the backslash symbol is defined as Unicode U+2216. The set difference is therefore equivalent to the ...
A set fixed within the framework of a theory and consisting of all objects considered in this theory. The complement of the universal set is the empty set.
In a complete metric space, a countable union of nowhere dense sets is said to be meager; the complement of such a set is a residual set.
The n-cycle complement graph C^__n is the graph complement of the cycle graph C_n. Cycle complement graphs are special cases of circulant graphs. The first few are ...
