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The inverse function of the logarithm, defined such that log_b(antilog_bz)=z=antilog_b(log_bz). The antilogarithm in base b of z is therefore b^z.
Consider three mutually tangent circles, and draw their inner Soddy circle. Then draw the inner Soddy circles of this circle with each pair of the original three, and ...
If two quantities A and B are approximately equal, this is written A approx B.
A valuation for which |x|<=1 implies |1+x|<=C for the constant C=1 (independent of x). Such a valuation does not satisfy the strong triangle inequality |x+y|<=max(|x|,|y|).
A group in which any decreasing chain of distinct subgroups terminates after a finite number.
If f is continuous on a closed interval [a,b], then there is at least one number x^* in [a,b] such that int_a^bf(x)dx=f(x^*)(b-a). The average value of the function (f^_) on ...
If O_(p^')(G)=1 and if x is a p-element of G, then L_(p^')(C_G(x))<=E(C_G(x)), where L_(p^') is the p-layer.
The study of map projections and the making of geographical maps.
The underlying set of the fundamental group of X is the set of based homotopy classes from the circle to X, denoted [S^1,X]. For general spaces X and Y, there is no natural ...
Two open manifolds M and M^' are cobordant if there exists a manifold with boundary W^(n+1) such that an acceptable restrictive relationship holds.