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361 - 370 of 1277 for Chebyshev PolynomialSearch Results
A variable is a symbol on whose value a function, polynomial, etc., depends. For example, the variables in the function f(x,y) are x and y. A function having a single ...
A quantity such as a polynomial discriminant which remains unchanged under a given class of algebraic transformations. Such invariants were originally called ...
A sequence s_n^((lambda))(x)=[h(t)]^lambdas_n(x), where s_n(x) is a Sheffer sequence, h(t) is invertible, and lambda ranges over the real numbers is called a Steffensen ...
The Bombieri p-norm of a polynomial Q(x)=sum_(i=0)^na_ix^i (1) is defined by [Q]_p=[sum_(i=0)^n(n; i)^(1-p)|a_i|^p]^(1/p), (2) where (n; i) is a binomial coefficient. The ...
Let O be an order of an imaginary quadratic field. The class equation of O is the equation H_O=0, where H_O is the extension field minimal polynomial of j(O) over Q, with ...
A hexagon (not necessarily regular) on whose polygon vertices a circle may be circumscribed. Let sigma_i=Pi_i(a_1^2,a_2^2,a_3^2,a_4^2,a_5^2,a_6^2) (1) denote the ith-order ...
A cyclic pentagon is a not necessarily regular pentagon on whose polygon vertices a circle may be circumscribed. Let such a pentagon have edge lengths a_1, ..., a_5, and area ...
A cyclic polygon is a polygon with vertices upon which a circle can be circumscribed. Since every triangle has a circumcircle, every triangle is cyclic. It is conjectured ...
An algorithm for finding integer relations whose running time is bounded by a polynomial in the number of real variables (Ferguson and Bailey 1992). Unfortunately, it is ...
A homogeneous ideal I in a graded ring R= direct sum A_i is an ideal generated by a set of homogeneous elements, i.e., each one is contained in only one of the A_i. For ...