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21 - 30 of 687 for Cauchy DistributionSearch Results
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
The radius of convergence of the Taylor series a_0+a_1z+a_2z^2+... is r=1/(lim_(n->infty)^_(|a_n|)^(1/n)).
product_(k=1)^(n)(1+yq^k) = sum_(m=0)^(n)y^mq^(m(m+1)/2)[n; m]_q (1) = sum_(m=0)^(n)y^mq^(m(m+1)/2)((q)_n)/((q)_m(q)_(n-m)), (2) where [n; m]_q is a q-binomial coefficient.
If f(x) is positive and decreases to 0, then an Euler constant gamma_f=lim_(n->infty)[sum_(k=1)^nf(k)-int_1^nf(x)dx] can be defined. For example, if f(x)=1/x, then ...
Let J be a finite group and the image R(J) be a representation which is a homomorphism of J into a permutation group S(X), where S(X) is the group of all permutations of a ...
Cauchy's functional equation is the equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y). It was proved by Cauchy in 1821 that the only continuous solutions of this functional equation from R into R ...
The Cauchy principal value of a finite integral of a function f about a point c with a<=c<=b is given by ...
The algebraic identity (sum_(i=1)^na_ic_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_id_i)-(sum_(i=1)^na_id_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_ic_i) =sum_(1<=i<j<=n)(a_ib_j-a_jb_i)(c_id_j-c_jd_i). (1) Letting c_i=a_i and ...
Let {a_n} be a series of positive terms with a_(n+1)<=a_n. Then sum_(n=1)^(infty)a_n converges iff sum_(k=0)^infty2^ka_(2^k) converges.
For R[mu+nu]>1, int_(-pi/2)^(pi/2)cos^(mu+nu-2)thetae^(itheta(mu-nu+2xi))dtheta=(piGamma(mu+nu-1))/(2^(mu+nu-2)Gamma(mu+xi)Gamma(nu-xi)), where Gamma(z) is the gamma function.