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731 - 740 of 2376 for Caseys TheoremSearch Results
A loose term for a true statement which may be a postulate, theorem, etc.
Any continuous function G:B^n->B^n has a fixed point, where B^n={x in R^n:x_1^2+...+x_n^2<=1} is the unit n-ball.
For any M, there exists a t^' such that the sequence n^2+t^', where n=1, 2, ... contains at least M primes.
Let f be a contraction mapping from a closed subset F of a Banach space E into F. Then there exists a unique z in F such that f(z)=z.
If a minimal surface is given by the equation z=f(x,y) and f has continuous first and second partial derivatives for all real x and y, then f is a plane.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with perpendicular polygon diagonals. The midpoints of the sides (a, b, c, and d) determine a parallelogram (the Varignon parallelogram) with ...
Two unit-speed plane curves which have the same curvature differ only by a Euclidean motion.
Let K be a finite complex, let h:|K|->|K| be a continuous map. If Lambda(h)!=0, then h has a fixed point.
Any cubic curve that passes through eight of the nine intersections of two given cubic curves automatically passes through the ninth.
Let f:D(z_0,r)\{z_0}->C be analytic and bounded on a punctured open disk D(z_0,r), then lim_(z->z_0)f(z) exists, and the function defined by f^~:D(z_0,r)->C f^~(z)={f(z) for ...
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