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Given a vector space V, its projectivization P(V), sometimes written P(V-0), is the set of equivalence classes x∼lambdax for any lambda!=0 in V-0. For example, complex ...
A Euclidean-like space having line element ds^2=(dz^1)^2+...+(dz^p)^2-(dz^(p+1))^2-...-(dz^(p+q))^2, having dimension m=p+q (Rosen 1965). In contrast, the signs would be all ...
A set R of linear extensions of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is a realizer of P (and is said to realize P) provided that for all x,y in X, x<=y iff x is below y in every ...
If M^n is a differentiable homotopy sphere of dimension n>=5, then M^n is homeomorphic to S^n. In fact, M^n is diffeomorphic to a manifold obtained by gluing together the ...
If the difference between the order and the dimension of a series is less than the curve genus, then the series is special.
The Stiefel-Whitney number is defined in terms of the Stiefel-Whitney class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Stiefel-Whitney classes such that their cup ...
The Stiefel manifold of orthonormal k-frames in R^n is the collection of vectors (v_1, ..., v_k) where v_i is in R^n for all i, and the k-tuple (v_1, ..., v_k) is ...
Giving a set F={f_1,f_2,...,f_n} of contracting similitudes of R^l, the closed set E is said to be subselfsimilar for F if E subset union _(i=1)^nf_i(E) (Falconer 1995, ...
In one dimension, the interval [0,1] is the closed unit interval, the interval (0,1) is the open unit interval, and the intervals (0,1] and [0,1) are half-open unit intervals.
As defined in this work, a wheel graph W_n of order n, sometimes simply called an n-wheel (Harary 1994, p. 46; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248; Tutte 2005, p. 78), is a ...
