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701 - 710 of 2404 for Bruck Ryser Chowla TheoremSearch Results

If a function analytic at the origin has no singularities other than poles for finite x, and if we can choose a sequence of contours C_m about z=0 tending to infinity such ...
Consider the characteristic equation |lambdaI-A|=lambda^n+b_1lambda^(n-1)+...+b_(n-1)lambda+b_n=0 (1) determining the n eigenvalues lambda of a real n×n square matrix A, ...
Any nontrivial, closed, simple, smooth spherical curve dividing the surface of a sphere into two parts of equal areas has at least four inflection points.
An analytic function approaches any given value arbitrarily closely in any epsilon-neighborhood of an essential singularity.
The Riemann's moduli space gives the solution to Riemann's moduli problem, which requires an analytic parameterization of the compact Riemann surfaces in a fixed ...
For every ergodic flow on a nonatomic probability space, there is a measurable set intersecting almost every orbit in a discrete set.
Suppose that E(G) (the commuting product of all components of G) is simple and G contains a semisimple group involution. Then there is some semisimple group involution x such ...
Let T be a tree defined on a metric over a set of paths such that the distance between paths p and q is 1/n, where n is the number of nodes shared by p and q. Let A be a ...
Define O = lim_(->)O(n),F=R (1) U = lim_(->)U(n),F=C (2) Sp = lim_(->)Sp(n),F=H. (3) Then Omega^2BU = BU×Z (4) Omega^4BO = BSp×Z (5) Omega^4BSp = BO×Z. (6)
If X is any space, then there is a CW-complex Y and a map f:Y->X inducing isomorphisms on all homotopy, homology, and cohomology groups.
