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781 - 790 of 861 for Bretschneider's FormulaSearch Results

The product of primes p_n#=product_(k=1)^np_k, (1) with p_n the nth prime, is called the primorial function, by analogy with the factorial function. Its logarithm is closely ...
The general bivariate quadratic curve can be written ax^2+2bxy+cy^2+2dx+2fy+g=0. (1) Define the following quantities: Delta = |a b d; b c f; d f g| (2) J = |a b; b c| (3) I = ...
A quadratic map is a quadratic recurrence equation of the form x_(n+1)=a_2x_n^2+a_1x_n+a_0. (1) While some quadratic maps are solvable in closed form (for example, the three ...
The Reuleaux tetrahedron, sometimes also called the spherical tetrahedron, is the three-dimensional solid common to four spheres of equal radius placed so that the center of ...
A semiprime, also called a 2-almost prime, biprime (Conway et al. 2008), or pq-number, is a composite number that is the product of two (possibly equal) primes. The first few ...
Square triangle picking is the selection of triples of points (corresponding to endpoints of a triangle) randomly placed inside a square. n random triangles can be picked in ...
A statistical distribution published by William Gosset in 1908. His employer, Guinness Breweries, required him to publish under a pseudonym, so he chose "Student." Given N ...
Sylvester's line problem, known as the Sylvester-Gallai theorem in proved form, states that it is not possible to arrange a finite number of points so that a line through ...
The symmetric group S_n of degree n is the group of all permutations on n symbols. S_n is therefore a permutation group of order n! and contains as subgroups every group of ...
The Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, since its proof now sometimes known as the modularity theorem, is very general and important conjecture (and now theorem) connecting topology ...
