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When A and B are self-adjoint operators, e^(t(A+B))=lim_(n->infty)(e^(tA/n)e^(tB/n))^n.
Let x^__1 and s_1^2 be the observed mean and variance of a sample of N_1 drawn from a normal universe with unknown mean mu_((1)) and let x^__2 and s_2^2 be the observed mean ...
f(x) approx t_n(x)=sum_(k=0)^(2n)f_kzeta_k(x), where t_n(x) is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n such that t_n(x_k)=f_k for k=0, ..., 2n, and ...
J_n(z) = 1/(2pi)int_(-pi)^pie^(izcost)e^(in(t-pi/2))dt (1) = (i^(-n))/piint_0^pie^(izcost)cos(nt)dt (2) = 1/piint_0^picos(zsint-nt)dt (3) for n=0, 1, 2, ..., where J_n(z) is ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, N_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and j_(nu,n)(z) the zeros of z^(-nu)J_nu(z) in order of ascending real part. ...
The recurrence relation (n-1)A_(n+1)=(n^2-1)A_n+(n+1)A_(n-1)+4(-1)^n valid for n=4, 5, ... with A(2)=0 and A(3)=1 and which solves the married couples problem (Dörrie 1965, ...
where R[mu+nu-lambda+1]>0, R[lambda]>-1, 0<a<b, J_nu(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, Gamma(x) is the gamma function, and _2F_1(a,b;c;x) is a hypergeometric ...
For R[mu+nu]>0, |argp|<pi/4, and a>0, where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind, Gamma(z) is the gamma function, and _1F_1(a;b;z) is a confluent hypergeometric ...
A quadrilateral which has an incircle, i.e., one for which a single circle can be constructed which is tangent to all four sides. Opposite sides of such a quadrilateral ...
For a positive integer n, (2pi)^((n-1)/2)n^(1/2-nz)Gamma(nz)=product_(k=0)^(n-1)Gamma(z+k/n),
